りらくスペース - 浅草店
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Safety & cleanliness
Safety guidelines are provided by りらくスペース and were last updated on 10/30/24.
Ventilation system
窓の開閉や換気扇により、常に換気には気配りしております。We are always attentive to ventilation by opening and closing windows and ventilation fans.
Extra sanitation
施術で使用したベッドの消毒、使用したタオルやお着替えの交換をその都度、行うことで清潔さを保っています。Cleanliness is maintained by disinfecting the bed used in the treatment and changing the towels and changes of clothes used each time.
Thu, Jan 30
There are no upcoming reservations available on this day
りらくスペース Reviews
4.65 ratings
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Not yet reviewed.
How to prepare